OWL 226 [https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/owl226/] bestows on its creator, Marco Diez the ability to control time – to bend it backwards until it touches the past through sight, sound, smell and touch. Standing next to OWL 226 one is struck by the car’s presence – improbable though it may be, it’s here and now. And, you can’t escape the visceral link to a glorious, timeless story.
Marco is the founder of Diez Concepts, [http://www.diezconcepts.com/] an industrial design firm. He took his time designing and building OWL 226. He will tell you he spent a year designing the gauge cluster, and another year working on the emblems and badging, and finally the switch gear was sourced as NOS parts from a 1960’s Royal Air Force Vulcan bomber. It took eight years to conquer the past, to gift it to an admiring present and a grateful future.

We may ask, “Why”? One answer is our knowledge that we can never gain true mastery over time. Even when we capture and hold it tightly time passes and is gone. Look closely at OWL 226. Every detail is painstaking, meticulous – a perfect blend of then, and now.

We may ask, “How will it make me feel”? Even at idle it’s talking to us, telling us secrets about our past, and our future. The burble of the straight six is an invitation, the stance and athleticism of the staggered tires a challenge, the slim belt line and six-pack abs under the hood a provocation, and the forever nose promises us unending innovations to come.
For many people their strongest feelings about OWL 226 are heard, and not seen. A glorious sound – from a distance and coming closer – on the wind. Approaching, louder now and you feel alert, quick, ready. Passing, it’s all induction snarl and exhaust howl – you feel it in the soles of your feet, jumpy, fight or flight. And then going away – hoping to hear it coming back – waiting for it to come back.

The final piece of the puzzle is the feel of the road through the steering wheel. Or, the feel of the chassis as it stresses and rebounds under your ass. Either way it’s a trampoline for adults – point your nose and bounce as hard as you want – throw yourself sideways and catch it with your right foot.

OWL 226 gave Marco the rare ability to capture time. The years it took to create her are repaid many times over. The sixty years borrowed from the past are gifted to the future – for the next sixty years – for as long as OWL 226 will last. Marco has won. He’s been generous with his talent, time and effort, and he’s given OWL 226, and himself immortality.