Jobless again, and sleeping in his van, slacker prince Eric "Money" Banks had lost another round in the romance sweepstakes when his "Heart On The Mountain" gambit failed to move Luanne Rice. Well, it moved her to come pounding on his van and ream him out for humiliating her in front of her friends.

Money felt the need to clear his head of the Luanne blues. He grabbed his board and hitched a ride with a guy headed to Rico. The guy's car overheated during the long wait for construction trucks on Lizard Head Pass. Money's luck. He jumped out with his board and started hiking around, looking for a stretch of untracked powder to soothe his soul.

He crested a hill and came upon a long steep meadow that stretched down to the valley floor. Money strapped on his board and shoved off. A hundred feet into the meadow, a natural ramp beckoned. Money hit the ramp and instead of sailing, he crashed headlong into it. It wasn't a ramp at all, but a snowdrift concealing the wheel strut of a plane.

Money looked around and spied another metallic piece protruding from the snow. He realized he'd stumbled onto the site of the crashed Beechcraft. Dolores Thorne and all the stuff he'd read in the Avalanche about the plane being sabotaged. Heavy! Thinking about the Avalanche stories reminded him of Luanne. He picked up his new Plush snowboard. Uh-oh. Binding damage. He went through the pockets of his parka and found a Swiss Army knife. Repair time.

Suddenly he heard the whine of an approaching snowmobile. He tensed. Had he violated some kind of crash site crime scene protocol? Was he trespassing? Money didn't want to wait around to find out. He stepped onto his board and zoomed down into the meadow below.