Dolores Thorne was one of those magical, larger-than-life beings that occasionally, rarely, light among us for awhile and then are whisked away, leaving an aching space where they stood.....

The former Dolores Ward Thurston, she is survived by her son Jordan, as well as three ex-husbands: Dante Febricelli of Miami Beach, Florida; Henry Houston Howell, of Odessa, Texas; and Ignatz Thorne, of New York, Newport Beach and Majorca.

Her social fetes were famous, both here and abroad-- no one will forget her Artists and Models Balls in Majorca, her Yacht Or Not Parties in Newport Beach or her Viva Cuba Libre! May Day Dances in Miami Beach... not to mention her Frozen Solid Balls held every winter here in Telluride for the last decade...

A few quotes from friends and admireres..."The lady had style-- S-T-Y-L-E"..."Dolores Thorne never let you forget she was a lady...or a woman"..."All our joys now are fled, now that Dolores is--I can't say it"... "We'll always have the memories, won't we?"... "She had a natural beauty that defied Time itself. Oh, I know there were those cruel jealous souls who liked to whisper about plastic surgery and collagen injection and face peels--"One more face lift and she'll have a beard"-- that sort of thing-- but she outlasted them all, didn't she? She was Pure Platinum."